14 January 2016

Things to do while waiting for market to recover

The global market is in extremely gloomy mood since the first day of trading 2016. STI has been dropping 2% to 3% almost every trading day. Investor's sentiment is very low now and everyone is panic selling or staying on the sidelined to wait for market to rebound and take action. So meanwhile what should we do while staying on the sidelined?

1) Read more on investment related books to keep on learning on personal finance.

2) Focus more on your work and since the new year has started, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) on your work has to measure again to determine your bonuses and promotion.

3) Start your exercise regime again. Studies had shown exercise can bring down the stress level and give you a clear mind to make your decision.

4) Meet up with close friends and interact (Topics can be lifestyles, work-related, family-related or personal finance).

There are many things you can do while waiting for the market to show sign of improvements or recovery. So don't be too upset on the paper losses that you had in your portfolio. Have faith in them and they will recover. Just remember what goes down will goes up again.

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