17 March 2016

Income received from blogging is taxable now

Yesterday, some fellow bloggers have revealed that they received a letter from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), requiring them to clarify their income sources, which include products or services received via their websites. Payments in exchange for services performed by social media are required to file for income and be taxable.

There are some FAQs posted in IRAS which you can find here to answer some of your queries or concerns. Some bloggers use their own money to host their website to publish their ideas or thoughts as a personal blog and in return make some income from advertising to cover their expenses. Do you think they should be liable to file for income and be tax? Will this piece of news impact you as a blogger and you stop blogging?

My personal thought on this is, I will still continue to publish my ideas or thoughts through my personal blog. But will probably remove those advertisement that will allow me to earn some income from it. How about you as a blogger? Does this piece of news impact you?

1 comment:

  1. If blogging is a full time job, then yes, benefits in kind are taxable, AS ALWAYS. I don't get what's the fuss. Full time bloggers should pay their taxes like everyone else
